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Note: Profit % is calculated based on the max day high from the next day after setup is posted till the day the options expire.
Data may not be 100% accurate, view details to see more information on underlying individual alerts.

Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
April-2024NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation11058.18%158.18%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2024NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation11076.36%176.36%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation211605.38%1605.38%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1010.00%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation761174.00%5205.94%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation147780.87%4127.17%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1266226.53%6226.53%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation433211120.96%24158.85%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1394427.62%9427.62%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation431440.37%3440.37%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2023NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation945345.40%3453.87%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation2519699.42%13138.86%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
November-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation30219384.90%15528.65%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1210246.31%491.17%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
September-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation44079.79%479.79%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation330191.79%3191.79%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation761282.47%4420.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation330199.88%3199.88%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1046138.42%3178.86%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation862248.23%5295.69%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation660123.37%5144.45%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2022NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1798176.40%7222.95%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation332310117.14%13190.24%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation2114757.78%7103.92%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
October-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation28226317.44%22317.44%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation2201030.43%21030.43%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation20119127.45%8172.22%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation3307.66%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation963420.69%6420.69%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation880475.86%8475.86%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1091244.43%9244.43%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation46331354.57%1985.50%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2021NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation101851689.76%58122.93%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation976829202.38%51264.32%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation966531164.76%50211.01%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1351013488.77%69123.61%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation13710334122.61%74164.96%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation13010327147.38%77192.24%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1209921112.29%84129.95%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1108921127.03%60182.74%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation15011337180.48%90222.02%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1167838198.92%63242.90%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation1098722379.34%76431.73%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation796019385.74%53434.50%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2020NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation38308177.52%26201.79%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation17134174.82%13174.82%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation402812266.02%25296.88%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation40337103.34%24136.79%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation433013116.94%21159.98%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation46397224.88%32270.67%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation40337146.51%31154.51%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation301911338.97%18357.01%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation15141344.56%13369.78%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation32154.70%197.78%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation12102170.03%10170.03%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation19145355.16%14355.16%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2019NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation11110202.42%9246.03%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation972100.32%5132.81%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation108299.73%899.73%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation19145238.00%13255.35%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation752408.47%5408.47%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation761474.94%4704.76%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation12102297.77%10297.77%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation32138.80%156.76%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2018NEM - Newmont Mining Corporation32125.68%148.65%View Alerts | ROI Analysis

View all Alerts for NEM | ROI Analysis for NEM

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